Christine Zecca is an artist with an MA in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and works with people interested in creating a connection to their own hidden treasures within. She encourages creative involvement with dreams, which is the Royal Road to the Imaginal Realm.
Christine painted primarily in oil on canvas, but occasionally used mixed media. It was primarily a meditation practice for her, and so far she has never really marketed her work. Since being diagnosed with Parkinson’s she has been writing for 12 years due to her inability to withstand toxins inherent in painting.
She works with creativity and the imaginal realm integrating her background of 30 years of Jungian studies and analysis, DreamTending, and other forms of embodied dream work. She completed BodySoul Rhythms Leadership Training with Marion Woodman that integrates Jung’s work with experiential modalities of dream, imaginal work, voice & body expressions with the intention of bringing deeper levels of awareness into our conscious being.
Giving birth to two Fragile X children, who happen to be more soulful and kinder than most humans today, this was her main focus for over 40 years. Her son now is part of the Camphill movement and has been living in these life sharing communities for 33 years (Myrtle Estate Scotland, Beaver Run school and Soltaine in Pennsylvania, and now Camphill California for past 22 years www.camphillca.org. Her daughter is exceptionally kind, hard working and more than competent, and has psychic abilities which makes a force to contend with.
Her own practices include painting (since she was 2), Tai Chi (50 years), yoga (20 years), 5Rhythms practice (12 years), Authentic Movement (4 years), QiGong (8 years), Continuum (3 years), Incubation practice rediscovered by Peter Kingsley from Ancient Pre-Socratic philosophers Empedocles & Parmenides (recent) & is currently studying / experiencing Shamanic Trainings:‘The World in Balance’ or Katasee (1 year), Visionseeker Trainings and Continuum Private Trainings with Hank Wesselman and Jill Kuykendal: 4 years, completed both one year of VisionSeeker and two years of Advanced Continuum Trainings on two separate occasions. Sandra Ingerman's: Soul Retrieval and 2 Year Teacher Training (completed). Christine completed Alberto Villoldo's Four Winds Training in Joshua Tree, CA. Now she does illuminations as well.
Christine writes and paints from the imaginal realm as it comes to us through our insights into the Ensouled World ‘Anima Mundi’, and / or our own personal dreams that resonate with the larger Dreaming Universe. (Dream paintings) Her interest is primarily about the creative process and how it weaves our own destinies into the greater reality that surrounds us, feeding us with deep insights into our place in the world at this time of significant chaos.

After dancing, 10 years ago.

Current at our place in Maui last week where we spend winters.