Journey throughout our sacred earth to restore balance held within the femine dimension.
The twenty-first century is facing worldwide disintegration. The spiritual systems are falling apart, revealing the lack of all that used to sustain humanity as notions of separation prevail. However, inclusion is essential for survival. Profound love is more powerful than hate, but those in power amplify hate, destroying humanity in the process.
After the collapse of Western civilization in North America, survivors grounded in healing love flee south. Seven millennia later, an isolated outpost of women wants to share it's hard-earned wisdom. These earth-based shamans are losing the energy to continue, unless they can connect with the Underworld of Dreaming Nature to find suitable males to join them.
Their quest attracts other "remnants" that also wish to regenerate the planet and bring joy to the world. Paradigm shifts are required to reinvigorate the inevitable toxic collapse of a corrupted society, hope rests in the hands of feminine energy and hard-earned wisdom.